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Product Details Page
- The details of each product such as the name and description are displayed here.
- The images of the product appear in an image slider with a ‘next’ and ‘previous’ button to help navigate.
- The current rating and price of the product are shown under the ‘Product Image Slider’.
- If the logged in user is a wholesale user then both wholesale and retail price of products will be shown.
- The product is rated by selecting the stars, so viewers can determine what the best selection will be.
- Various combinations of the product appear when the user selects the desired option from the select box. The image, SKU number, and price appear here with an ‘Add to Cart’ button.
- Any user can view/post feedback on a product by selecting the ‘post’ and ‘view’ feedback links on the bottom. To post, the customer must purchase the same product at least once.